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Amipeleasi Langi

6'6" 310lbs DL

RS Junior

Transfer University of Houston

Pronounced:  AH-mee-PAY-lee-AH-see long-ee

Summary Evaluation:

Measurables (Size & Speed) + Skill (CFB Production) + Other (Current Offers, Need)

Size: 6'6" 310 = 5

Speed/Quickness: 4.25

Production: 3.75

Other: 4.5

Rating: 4.3


Langi allows Texas State to be multiple, like GJ and crew were at UIW. He could be our Olivier Charles- Pierre, allowing Coach Dex to play 3-man fronts with 3 or 4 linebackers. Hence, why we've signed a lot of starting quality linebackers. I suspect Texas State will continue to play the matchup game and win football games, particularly in the Sun Belt, with superior depth.

Amipeleasi Langi
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